
Access Logistics Park, Kemps Creek NSW
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Property Overview


Access Logistics Park is located within the Greater Mamre Road Precinct, located just 5km from the planned Western Sydney Airport at Badgery’s Creek.


Featuring circa 90,000 sqm (GLA) of best of class quality warehousing and corporate office accommodation across more than 20-hectares. The comprehensive masterplan comprises 14 buildings ranging in size from 3,000sqm to 40,000sqm, designed to suit your individual needs, with additional 600sqm on site retail space. Underpinning the development is a commitment to sustainable practice and processes.


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Now Leasing – available from Q1 2026.


For all Leasing Enquiries contact Stephen O’Connor M 0420 546 491 or Philip Grech M 0424 613 115.

Key Features

90,000 sqm best of class warehouse available

Signalised Intersection

Onsite amenity

Make an enquiry


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