28 October 2021
Altis welcomes eStore Logistics to Bankstown Airport
Altis welcomes eStore Logistics to Bankstown Airport.
The demand for e-commerce has significantly grown over the last 18 months, with customers demanding faster deliveries and retailers ramping up their on-line channels.
With this in mind, Altis have built a 19,310 sqm fulfilment centre for eStore, its eighth property packed with the latest robotic technology.
This state-of-the art fulfilment and warehousing facility will be fully operational in November.
Altitude Bankstown Airport is the premier logistics hub in Sydney south west transport corridor, comprising 162,000 sqm best of class warehousing and office accommodation across 40 hectares. Designed to take full advantage of its prime location, close to major infrastructure routes including road, rail, sea and air freight hubs, this estate is ideal for blue-chip logistics companies.
For all leasing enquiries visit the Altitude website: https://altitudeindustrial.com.au/
To read more head to: https://www.afr.com/property/commercial/ruslan-kogan-backed-estore-opens-fifth-logistics-hub-in-14-months-20211027-p593hm
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