31 July 2020
Introducing Altitude, Bankstown Airport
Altitude is a highly sought-after industrial estate and offers a world-class business destination. Situated within the inner ring of Sydney’s south western transport corridor, Altitude will be the most centrally located warehouse development of this scale with direct access to the M5 motorway, Sydney CBD, Port Botany and the new Western Sydney Airport.
Comprising 162,000 square metres of warehouse and office space across 40 hectares, this premier logistics hub offers state-of-the-art multi-use facilities, suitable for blue chip logistics companies.
It has been extremely rewarding to see this development take off. The Altis development team at Altitude have an outstanding reputation for industrial property construction and we look forward to the first tenant Kirby Australia scheduled to move in Q1 2021.
The success of this industrial development has recently been shared in August edition of MHD Supply Chain magazine.
Full details: http://mhdsupplychain.com.au/2020/08/10/a-rare-opportunity-to-join-sydneys-global-hub-for-logistics/
Project Website: https://altitudeindustrial.com.au
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